Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Vacation Details coming...

We had a lovely vacation, full of rest, connecting and adventure. I would have blogged it, except the computer and I were in a heated argument. I thought that it should recieve power from it's power cord. It thought it shouldn't. We managed to charge the battery before we left, but needed it to last the entire 5 days. We hopped on and checked for our March update, posted a quick note on facebook and shut er down. No love for a computer that won't plug in.

Anyways, I'll work on posting pictures this afternoon. Pictures from the resort - wonderful! Pictures of the kids - sweet. And pictures of the van - the adventure part.

My sister did good with the girls. Although she may never have children of her own, now. I think the girls let the halo's drop about the third day. It was nice to know CN isn't just snotty with me. She can share the attitude, and apparently will.

Busy day today, too busy. I'm supposed to be taking it easy on my leg, an injury from the adventure. However, it's an early release day, I have a playdate scheduled, and laundry to do. As well as dinner, church tonight, and trying to find time to get weighed in for the Biggest Loser challenge with friends. Oh my, I need to go sit down now. Take a break while I can.

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