Friday, April 3, 2009

Vacation Details

Friday- We left on time, or close to. We got about 10 miles and realized I forgot the gift certificate. Probably the only thing we really had to have. Turn around and go back. Leave late. Get pulled over about 10:00pm. Aw, crap. Going 70 in a 55. Knowledge speeding, get a warning. Drive 55 mph the last hour. Pull into Wildsprings. It's beautiful. Even in the dark.

Saturday- Sleep in till 8:30am. Rest is wonderful. Walk up the hill to the guest house. A beautiful breakfast, that someone else prepared is ready. The best oatmeal I've ever had. Did you know you could fall in love with oatmeal. I did - and I brought it home. But it's not the same, the honeymoon was over when I had to make it myself. Walked to the beach. Went to a local fish-n-chips restaurant. Crazy Norwegian was obviously popular with the locals and tourist. We had to wait in the car till our table was ready. Then the waitress comes out the door and waves for you to come in. And then we knew we were back to small town America. We went back to Wildsprings and walked around enjoying all the art, and the labyrinth. We enjoyed a soak in the open air hot tub with a wonderful view of the ocean. And surrounded by tall pine trees. Truly the best of both worlds. Ocean for R and mountain for me.
We went to dinner at Paula's Bistro and had kid less meal. I actually wore a dress, and had wine with dinner. We got back to Wildsprings, and enjoyed another long soak in the hot tub. We also enjoyed a new wine. Sea Mist Cranberry wine. Wonderful- who would have thought.

Sunday-Woke up a little earlier, went and ate another wonderful breakfast. Met the funnest couple from the Bend area and swapped ideas for the day. Met our guide for a long hike through Cape Blanco. It was hailing as we were waiting in the car. I'm a all weather hiker. I've hiked Silver Falls in the rain. I've enjoyed snow hikes. But hail on the beach was more than I was prepared for. But our guide assured us the weather is prone to quick changes, and off to the Cape we went. But the time we drove there the sun was out. It was a lovely hike to the beach, around the cape, up to a lighthouse, and then through the 'forest'. She told us about the local history, the vegetation, the geology, as well as the pro's and con's to living in Port Orford. We stopped for pizza at the Hard Rain Cafe. The owners were a sweet young couple (meaning our age because we are still young, although less than sweet). They made us feel like we were part of the small community in a matter of minutes. Then it was back to the hot tub. Because the hot tub was amazing. It was a beautiful clear night, stars out. A bottle of Pinot Gries and just us. It was so nice to just have TIME together. No hurried. Not in passing. Not discussing daily details of life, but discussing life.

More later... my knee is still to sore to stand on for long. More about that to come. And the laptop only works on the kitchen island. Because it hates me and knows I can't stand for long More details about the love/hate relationship I'm having with the computer coming also.

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