Friday, January 23, 2009

Jan. Update...

Here is our latest news...and hopefully the last month our status is Pre-IBESR. Next month, our status should state IBESR.

IBESR is Haiti's social services department. The first major 'step' for our paperwork to get through is IBESR. My understanding is that they verify that the children are truly orphans, and that it is in thier best interest to be adopted by us. It can take anywhere from 3-6 months. It involves a interview with the birth father as well.
So pray that IBESR process moves quickly. We will be assigned a IBESR # once our file is given to them. There are blogs that track when files move through the process. However, it's not a process that is predictable. If your #8, your file will not be done after #7 or before #9. The #9 file may have a birth parent that shows up the first time, or no biological children. While your #8 file waits for the birth parent to make it to the interview.
The other process that must take place while our file is in IBESR is a presidential disposition. The Haiti law states that only people with no biological children may adopt. However, this law has not been followed to the letter ever. However, the courts system is now enforcing this law, unless the president allows for an exception. Let me say right now, THIS IS PROOF THAT EVERY HAITIAN ADOPTION IS A MIRACLE. Imagine if I had to get President Obama to sign a paper that say I can adopt our children. And not just me, but 75% of the people in our country adopting must also get his signature. And yet, the president of Haiti has agreed to do this. Praise God!
So that is where we are at in the process, and here are pictures of our beautiful children. They are worth it.

1 comment:

the Skips said...

definitely worth it.