Thursday, January 29, 2009

Family Closet

My newest adventure...

Tackling the Laundry Monster!

Current laundry situation...
I put laundry in washer, dry it, fold it, and place in CN and P's room.
CN and P throw in drawers, unfolding laundry in process.
Come morning, they sort through looking for what they want to wear. Clothes end up on the floor.
In theory - they put dirty laundry in laundry room to be washed. In reality, once every few days I make them pick up most of it and put in laundry room. By then, clean clothes have fallen out of messy drawers and laundry pile is twice as big as it should be for 3 days.
I repeat wash, dry and fold ... to wash clothes that have not been worn. Because I have NOTHING better to do with my time and energy.

So my solution... our laundry room is being cleaned out and their clothes will be kept in there. This will give them alot less 'stuff' in their room. They will put their dirty clothes away at night, picking out something to wear the next day. I will know immediately if they make a mess with the clean clothes. And hopefully it means I won't have to do 20 loads of laundry a week. It's ridiculous for a family of 4 to have that much laundry.

And what happens when there are 4 for them, and only one of me. That's like 30 loads a week. So if I do laundry 5 days a week, that is 6 loads a day. Okay, I gotta go and work on this right now. Seriously - have to get this under control.

If this doesn't work- I'm going to get rid of all the clothes, except for 5 outfits each. That should make it less, the most laundry I would have is 2 loads if everything was dirty. I'm ready to get radical. I don't want to spend my kids childhood washing clean clothes. I'd rather spend it blogging and scrap booking.

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