Wednesday, December 10, 2008


My house is a messy...
I don't want to cook dinner, again.
My tree is up, but the ornaments keep 'falling' off (I think they have help)
My house isn't decorated for Christmas, and I can't seem to care.
I'm tired, and my ears hurt from the cold and noise of all the kids.
I don't want to change one more poopy diaper, and I smell 'something'
I miss my kids, even though I've never met them and it doesn't make sense.
It's cold, and there isn't even snow to enjoy.
I tired of hearing "I'm telling on you" and footsteps headed my way.
I know I should be thankful for my home, my family, my life...
but today I'm just worn out by it. By the housework, by the cooking, by the holiday preparations, by the kids, by the cold, by the homework battles, by life in general.
I know this too shall pass, and that God is faithful to give us strength.
I'm just being honest, it can't all be roses folks.
So I'm kinda pouty today.
It's not very attractive, and I don't like it anymore in myself than in my kids.
I think I'll make cookies for snack, and pizza for dinner.
And some grace for myself.
Permission to have a pouty day, to not play Christmas music, to put a movie on for the kids, and to ignore the floors that desperately need a broom right now.
I'm going to bed early tonight, tomorrow is a new day.

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