Monday, December 8, 2008

Good Morning,

I hope everyone's monday morning is going well.... Here's a run down on mine. This will either make you tired (which is had for me), thankful for your morning, or want to bring me a cup of Dutch Bro's coffee (I'd like a peppermint mocha, please?).

7:05am -crawl out of bed late, while DJ tries to get me to buy a new car with no money down
7:20am-out of the shower, waking up and talking to God
7:21am-P bumps into me, puts her long arms around me and whines she doesn't 'feeeellll goooood' -which can mean she's sick, or tired, or just doesn't want to go to school. It's up to me to decide. Send her lay on my bed until she can get in the bath
7:25am-CN comes in, she's in tears -Science homework isn't done because she didn't mention it all weekend, and just now remembered it's due today. Bummer for her-send her to hurry and get a shower so she can finish this morning
7:30am-shoes on, 1st child shows up, start making toast and peeling oranges.
7:35am-2nd child shows up, CN out of shower and finishing homework
7:40am-3rd child shows up, P in the bath, CN done with homework and making lunch,
7:55am-4th child shows up, P is in her room trying to put her pj's back on. Convince her to get dress and start her day and then we'll decide if she can make it through the day, finish getting breakfast on the table
8:00am-finish dishes, start dishwasher, P comes to the table to eat and starts to perk up, start coffee
8:10am-5th and 6th children show up, don't like oranges and whiny from a long weekend
8:20am-dog throws up, hear kids yelling and moaning...make myself put down freshly poured cup of coffee and go clean up
8:25am-P finally done eating, ask her to finish getting ready for school-reminding her she has 20 mins till time to leave, go to get P's shoes out of dryer- forgot to start dryer last night so they are wet, start dryer and pray they are dry by the time to leave
8:30am-7th child shows up late, with 4 bags of stuff from a weekend with dad and throws it in the entry way, remember cup of coffee and sit down to take a drink and then get up to pull out canned food for kids to take to school. P makes a tower of cans on the counter.
8:35am-Remind P to make a lunch, and she comes out with her new Christmas shoes to wear to school -umm, no. P gets mad that it takes to long to tie her tennis shoes and she isn't going to be ready. Tell her her slip ons are in the dryer, and to make her lunch. She goes in the opposite direction of the kitchen where the food is.
8:36am-P comes out mad she can't find her lunch box (that has been missing at school for 2 weeks). Remind her it's at school and to get a plastic sack. She again goes in the opposite direction as the kitchen. Go to see what she is doing and she is putting on shoes in laundry room. Go make her lunch, she yells at me not to put baby carrots in it, put baby carrots back in fridge and pull out snap peas. Write a loving note to her for her lunch, reminding myself I do love this child.
8:38am-put P's lunch in her backpack, find dirty shirt and wonder how long it's been in there, leave it for now and hope I remember to pull it out after school. P has shoes on! Ask her to get her coat, she goes to coat closet pulls out a random coat that belongs to another child and says she's wearing it. Ummm, no. "Find your own coat, Please." Tell CN, child #2 and 3 to get ready to go to school. Move pile of suitcases to couch- how much stuff do they really need for 2 days?
8:40am-Walk P back to her room, pull coat off the floor and put it on her. Give her backpack and she walks out door dragging it. Tell her to wear backpack or she'll put a hole in it- there are cans of food, remember. She yells that it won't fit on her back with a coat on. I'm sure they didn't think of that when they designed backpacks. I put her backpack on her back, everyone else is at the end of the driveway waiting for her. Send her off with a kiss, thankful she had an "okay" morning and is going to school.
8:45am-sit down with cup of coffee...and finish it. Now to tackle the 5 loads of laundry to fold, change a diaper, clean bathrooms, and make shopping list. And maybe another cup of coffee...I've certainly earned it.

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