Monday, December 22, 2008

Cabin Fever

It's snowing! It's snowing! It's snowing!

And I'm still loving it. Yep, I'm not tired of it. I shoveled the walk this morning and enjoyed it. I went out shopping yesterday, no problems driving. If anyone needs a ride -let me know.
But I do know that cabin fever is starting to set in. And in the day of Internet - I don't think we have any idea of real cabin fever. Not pioneer days kind. Not even no cable TV kind. I figured all of those stuck inside would be exploring the world wide web. Here is a couple of my favorite sites, good for a laugh.
Cake Wrecks - oh, how I laugh. I'm not sure what makes a badly decorated cake so funny, but it is. Check out cupcakes from today's post...

Oh, Oh, is so funny. And her commentary is the icing on the cake.

Passive-AggressiveNotes -Okay, I'm not sure what makes me laugh about other peoples unhealthy way of dealing with conflict. Maybe it's that I missed living in dorms, or am married to a man who can exhibit such behavior. Maybe it's the years spent in corporate america, where passive aggressive behavior is awarded with promotions. But here's a new favorite.

I love the cartoon kitty drawing. I love the Pro -Tip. I'm wondering what credentials you must have to call yourself a pro at showering. Is this a college level class? I'm also thinking that if you have a roommate that has showering issues- maybe the shower isn't the best place to leave your note. A white board where rebuttals can be written is a better approach. This site if PG-13, maybe even R. So beware before you open in front of your kids.

I have a few others, I'll share some other time. But these two will keep you from going crazy today, remind you of a world where cakes are badly decorated and people have other issues than snow to deal with.


kristie said...

I think we all know people capable of those shower instructions. We don't associate with them much but we know them. The only fitting punishment for the cupcakes is ingestion. Kristie

jennyo said...

I love the passive-aggressive shower instructions!

Great Blog Anita.