Wednesday, December 17, 2008

It's snowing!!

It's snowing. It's beautiful. Lovely...
I'm sending the kids out to play in it.
I'm staying in. Snow is most beautiful from the inside of a warm house.
The question long will it take to suit everyone up?
Ready, set, go...2:45pm and counting.
2:51...coats on most, snow pants on some, hats on all.
P upset her shoes aren't tight enough.
Everyone distracted by TV.
2:55...snowpants on all, coats not zipped yet, P shoes still too loose.
2:57 minutes...someone has to go potty, take off coat and snowsuit.
3:00...finding gloves, putting back on snowsuit and coat, P decides shoes are tight enough
Yeah, so it has stopped snowing. The irony!
Send them out anyway.
3:02...starts snowing again, P ask CN to use her gloves. CN makes snarky remark.
I tell P to use them and CN gets mad.
3:05....everyone except P ready to go.
P still looking for gloves.
3:06...P finds gloves, finally ready to go.
Open front door, burst of cold air comes streaming through.
Push kids out, go change poppy diaper.
10 minutes of quiet...ahhhhhhh

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