Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas Pictures...

Snow, Ice, Snow...beautiful! We were concerned our Dogwood trees in the front may not make it. But they recovered well.
Christmas with R's family. Everyone headed out to meet the Fire Department's Santa for candy canes. Yep, my father in law wore that hat all day. Just a happy little Santa helper, he is. A Norwegian, cigar smoking, Santa's helper.
This is what the holidays does to our family. Makes a little kooky. Maybe it's not the holidays, we just had an excuse to take a picture of it. We won't talk about how grown up C looks in that dress. She is still our LITTLE girl!

I apologize now for posting a picture of R in his robe. I should have made him get dressed. When your photo's go in a box, those details don't matter as much. When your posting for friends and family to see...maybe it's best to get dressed.
P got a bike for Christmas. It's pink, and she loved it. She then had to wait a week to ride it. It was mean. She finally asked if she could ride it in the house.!

C got a mountain bike. It's a big person bike. Like I could ride it. But she is still our LITTLE girl. She was more patient waiting for the snow to thaw.
They also got the cute pj's they are wearing, and gifts from each other.
I'd post picture of R and I's Christmas gifts, but we haven't gotten them yet.'s kinda sad. We planned on getting bikes. Were not big into surprises, so we were just going to get them together. It's New Years day tomorrow. And we haven't gotten them. Probably should that. Soon...
Tomorrow is R's birthday. I surprised him with a great gift... I'll share more tomorrow.

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