Wednesday, December 31, 2008

R and R

Okay, so I'm a little slow.
I didn't want to use full names...something about being that exposed in cyber land.
So I gave everyone a abbreviation. And for 2 months, I've blogged.
And today I realized I've used R for both my husband and my son.
Since my son is still in Haiti, I haven't had to write about both of them at the same time.
But it's going to get confusing. Which R am I talking about? Could be weird. I hope she's not talking about her husband or they may have a parent/child relationship?
So then I changed R to Re...that should help. Then I thought about changing all the past post.
And then I realized how much time that would take.
So here is my solution. A five minute blog entry. Son is now Re. Husband is R.
Clarification for all...Next I'll take on global warming. Which does exist. Recycle!

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