Tuesday, March 3, 2009

How not to handle a meltdown

When your 11 year old melts down do not...

1. Picture her as 25 - still living at home and talking to you that way
2. Listen to what she says under her breath - she doesn't have her volume control figured out yet
3. Roll your eyes at her- that really sets them off
4. Take their dinner away - they may starve to death (on second thought...)
5. And don't ground them for two weeks - unless you are into self-punishment

What to do instead...
1. Remind yourself that only 7 years till she leaves, and she is leaving at 18
2. Meet your spouse in the drive way and tell him it's his turn the rest of the night
3. Ignore the muttering, speaking under the breath, rolling of eyes - don't let them get a reaction
4. Don't ground them, make them clean house instead. You get a clean house, and they still get a life.
5. Hug them, remind them you love them, and trust that they won't do this when you have company.

1 comment:

Cory said...