Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Home Parties...

" Through all this I realize that in Haiti only God can make you realize your goals. I know someone who is older than I but never found work anywhere so they are not able to make anything for their family yet. I have been blessed! Even if we are suffering from something else God will take care of that, for He said I’m with you until the end." Suzanne A, Artist for HaitianCreations.Okay, so I have a resistance to hosting home parties. I've never had a Pampered Chef party. I said I would, for the most insistent representative ever, and it ended with me hanging up on her. I explained I couldn't do it after all because my husband had been laid off, and didn't really know when I'd be able to. She then called me every week for 2 months. I would just let it go to voicemail. She was understanding at first but then tried to convince me that since money was tight, it was a great time. I'd save so much money...it doesn't cost that much to do the party-just the food. She called one day, the wrong day, and CeNedra answered the phone. She was just learning to do that, and hadn't gotten this memo, "We are screening calls from the Pampered Chef lady. Don't answer if it is her" So she answered it, and I yelled at her to hang up when I saw the caller id. Once she hung up it occurred to me that she probably heard me. Not a shining moment for me.
Anyways, other than that, I've not had home parties. I sell Close to My Heart and only have had a open house, and monthly crops. I didn't really like doing the home parties, and wouldn't be good at 'coaching' the hostess. "Did you remember to call all your invites? You know, while your cooking meals, breaking up fights, and trying not to lose your mind. You want to make sure you can get as many people as possible, so you can get as much free as possible." I'm also not good at laying on the guilt.
So I found this incrediable opportunity. For a home party - keep reading, I'm not trying to get you to buy. I'm not asking you to sign up too. And I'm not asking you to host one for me. But this is a really cool idea, and I think I might actually enjoy it.
Heartline Ministries does amazing work in Haiti. What I LOVE about this ministry is that they are making an impact for Christ is a very real way. They aren't just handing out, but giving woman the means to support herself. They are giving them the means to take care of thier own children. They are building relationships with the woman, and loving them in Jesus name. Not for just one meal, or one day, but for a lifetime. And they are doing to the Glory of our Heavenly Father. Who is smiling down on them, for sure.
So thier ministry includes a sewing class, where the woman learn to sew and make bags to sell. They also learn how to run a business. How cool is that. So they sell thier bags online at Haitian Creations. Because it's a full cycle type of thing. The program only works if someone buys thier goods. And Haiti is not exactly the place to sell purses. But here, well we love bags and purses. I'm not a girly girl, but I love a good bag.
And they are asking that those interested in help host purse parties. To have your friends over, show a short dvd on the ministry, serve a little Haiti food, and sell bags for these wonderful ladies. So that is a home party I can get excited about. No guilt, no pressure, no quota's to meet to get my free stuff. Just knowing that whatever I sell will allow a woman to keep her children with her and fed. That each bag sold means a woman knows that somewhere another woman is supporting her. That each bag sold means a woman is closer to self sufficiency.
So I'll keep you all posted as to a date and time. Join me for an evening of Haitian food, drinks, and an opportunity to support other women as they make it on thier own.

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