Saturday, September 12, 2009


Good News!!! We have a new computer!! Here are the August pictures. Re and Er are doing well. Growing, Healthy and Happy. The bump on Er's head is a from a small wart that grew inward and caused an infection. But all is well again. I'm so thankful they are getting such good care at the orphanage.
We are currently in Parquet. It is the District Attorney's office, and part of what they do is interview the birth parent. However, the birth father hasn't been located. While this is a little frustrating, there is really nothing we can do. After even a short time in Haiti, we can understand how it's hard to find someone. We are praying for the birth father, that he is able to find work, provide for his other children, and is comforted in his grief.
The last few couple months have been rough. They say that adoption is a roller coaster, and sometimes I think that is a fair description. However, lately it feels like a bad roller coaster, that only goes down and stays down. I know it's not true, but the feelings are still present. The high of meeting them, led to a long downward part. And it just seems like a really long way to the going up part.
I'm starting to see it level out in the last couple weeks. I think I've come to terms with the idea that it might just be another year till they come home. Our process might take two years. I think I was expecting to be spared the 2 year process. I'm not sure why I thought we'd be different. But it appears it might just take that long. And that has been a hard realization. And has left me feel hopeless and frustrated. However, God is faithful, he is true to his word, and he will bring us together. And I've been continually reminded of that.

1 comment:

the andersens said... it possible they keep getting cuter & cuter? Oh my word. I hope you know we will keep praying and praying that all will keep movin' on and they come home just when God wants them to (and no pressure God, but please make it fast!!!!).
