Monday, September 21, 2009

Random stuff..

-P has decided she'd like dreadlocks. Only problem, she's a white kid with blond, straight hair. We are currently wearing lots of braids.
-No camera as of yet. God is teaching me alot through this frustrating process. It's not fair, for both sides. Hopefully it will be resolved with no more drama, and in the end, I'll have a new camera.
-David Crowder's new CD is coming today !! !! !! And it's only one month till the concert. The concert we have V.I.P. tickets too. Which means we get to meet him. And sit up front. And meet him. And meet him. I'm trying to wrap my mind around it, and hopefully I won't be a blubbering idiot when it finally happens.
-Been scrapbooking. Trying to catch up. 4 albums at a time is impossible to maintain.
-I have the sniffles, which makes me whiny and rather pathetic. And dizzy when I blow my nose.
-We have a 'temporary' house guest. A two year old border collie. Who didn't get the memo that the milk man delivers at 3:00am on Monday mornings. And she lost her mind, and a some pee, at the stranger walking up to our front door this morning. It's a good thing she is soo sweet the rest of the time.
-Big, Bang Theory is new this week. Oh, how I love that show. Now only if My Name is Earl would return soon.
-Friday - Cake Wrecks book tour will be attended by yours truly. There will be cake. And Cake Wrecks. And lots of other weird people who find funny blogs a great source of entertainment.

I'm blaming this post on the cold medicine. I'm normally somewhat random - but this is really bad. Sorry!

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