Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I haven't posted lately. Here are the lame excuses...
-The computer is broke. Again. Shocking, I know. Using borrowed computer. While I loath my computer, I miss it. It's ability to move quicker than the one it's been replaced with. The way the keys stick a little from past breakfast ate at it's side.
-School is starting. While I'm slightly busier trying to keep every ball in the air as we make changes to schedule, I did have time to watch movies last week and do some scrap booking. So this is actually not a valid excuse at all.
-I have net-flix now. Yes, it's a valid excuse. Maybe more than the back to school excuse. Now, I can easily indulge my love of independent, odd movies. As well as British comedies. And reruns of Punky Brewster and The Smurfs.
-I'm doing Weight Watchers. And there is meetings, and tracking, and measuring, and shopping, and walking, and reading, and, and, and... one more excuse.
-And I've been in a funk. I started this blog as a way to express and share our adoption journey, and our families life as we go through it. And lately, I've decided if I can't say anything nice, I won't say anything at all. My momma taught me that. And I think it might apply on my blog as well. I'm trying to figure out a way to share what is going on, how I feel about it, and have it not come across as sour grapes.

I have lots to share, and am coming around to place that I think I can. And as soon as I have my computer back I'll post updated pictures of Re and Er. Lets just say that if it's possible they got even cuter. And pictures of Ce and P. They are getting cuter, but it's balanced with the fact that they live with us. Which is a whole other post. Distance does make the heart grow fonder - and how that affects us as adoptive parents who are separated from our children for so long.

There is good news. After months of saving I was able to purchase my dream camera. A Nikon D90. I'm currently giddy with joy, and already planning on what flash/lens/memory/reflectors/ etc I have to HAVE. So I will be able to easily post pictures of some of the wacky day to day stuff around here. Of course, I did spend 2 hours researching and reading up on photography technique last night. It might also be another excuse why I haven't posted lately.

That my story and I'm sticking to it.

1 comment:

the Skips said...

glad to hear from you on here, my dear.