Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Eye Nick... yesterday's adventure

So yesterday was a no school day. Something about grading day for elementary kids. So 8 kids here, and a little bit of a zoo going on. We made door hangers, we built a fort, we sat in timeout. In the afternoon, P decided to go visit a neighbor. She came home at 4:20pm saying she got a scratch on her eye. Sure enough there was a small red spot on her left eye.

Now, when she came in and told me she didn't say it hurt. She wasn't crying or upset. However, as soon as I mentioned I'd call the doctor- suddenly it hurt horribly and she was in tears. Sure enough, the triage nurse thought she should be seen if it was hurting.

Now it's 4:30pm, and an hour till my daycare kids are picked up. R can't be home any sooner to take her, and she is saying it hurts alot. Let the adventure begin....

She is crying and I've called R and told him I'm headed out to Urgent Care. I call my lovely neighbor/sub who has already spent the afternoon entertaining my oldest daughter and older daycare kid. They have a Wii and I can't compete with that. She thankfully is able to come and stay the last hour with the daycare so I can head out. As I'm getting ready, and a person we know from church calls and say that the State has removed their children from their home and can we take them as foster parents. All of this is about 5 minutes time. Add to that a parent picking up a child, and the normal 'she hit me' stuff that is always going on. It was CRAZY... and we still had to actually go to Urgent Care.

So P and I hop in the car and off we go to Woodburn to Urgent Care. Because Salem's Urgent Care always has at least an hour wait time. This Urgent Care is new, and so not as busy. Here's the best part- we were in, seen, and out of their in under 30 minutes time. 30 minutes in Urgent Care... I want to tell other people, and yet I want to keep the secret to myself. 30 minutes in Urgent Care!!

They put drops in her eyes that glow under black lights showing an injury. On the ride home, we have this conversation.

P "I'm going to go to the bathroom, turn out the lights and watch my eyes glow"

"That won't work, P. It's a black light, and that is what makes it glow"

P "Mom all dark is black, that's what happens when you turn out the lights. It's black."

"No, P. Black light is different, there are special bulbs you have to get."

P "Good thing we are going to Target, I bet we can get one there."

At this point I realize that I'm never going to win this one. It won't matter if the drops have worn off, or that is it really small and hard to see without a magnifying glass. Or that I'm not spending any more money that day. My battle plan is to hope she forgets by time we get to Target. Sure enough, she was distracted by shopping for Christmas dresses.

So the rest of the evening was spent getting a prescription filled, going to Taco Del Mar, and picking up an activity for another day of no school. It always amazing to me that the day can be rolling along, going just as planned, and in three seconds your headed in a completely different direction. Forget the quiet evening at home, now were headed to Urgent Care.

We are also waiting to hear if the Haiti government will be asking us to get a presidential pardon to adopt R and Er. While this is yet another time consuming step, we are holding off feeling anxiety about it until we know what is happening for sure. There are many bumps and detours in the path of adoption. Too many to panic every time one shows up. So no panic, but prayers that the Haiti government puts the welfare of the children first. Whatever that looks like.

1 comment:

Cory said...

2 things, gotta know where that Urgent care is and if anyone can go to it, we were turned away at the one in Keizer. And I can tell you the scratch to the eyeball is one of the worst pains I've had (and I've had 2 kidney stones and 2 natural labors) It's been several years and it still is bothersome to rub it. And Jer & Lora LOVED the blacklight on my eyeball, I guess I really scratched it and it was very evident! I hope she gets better soon!