Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Clarification ...

Okay, so the last post needs clarification. For those who prayed for us - Thank you! Those who supported us - Thank YOU!!
The post specifically addressed for me two situations I had faced in the last few weeks.

One came about at school. As any public school situation there is a 'popular' group of parents. The one's who volunteer for everything, have lunch together on half days, and know all there is to know. I've never been that parent. Working during the day made that impossible, and I don't fit those roles well anyways. That isn't to say that I'm not friendly. A year or so ago, I went to McDonalds on a half day. And this group was there. And this group wasn't exactly welcoming to my motley crew. They barely looked up when I said hello, as I felt I should since I do know them. Imagine my surprise when two of these mom's started to initiate conversation with me, and started to ask about having playdates. I kept explaining that we weren't able to do that yet, but would probably next fall. And when one of the mom's said, "I'd really like my son and Re to be friends, it would be good for him to have a black friend." it was all I could do to not drop my chin to the ground. When I 'nicely' explained that Re would be allowed to make his own friends, and he wasn't going to be set up on playdates, she immediately turned and started a conversation with another parent.

The other situation happened at Target. One of many trips. A woman I have known for years came up to say hi. This is someone I've been friendly with, and that is about it, but have known for literally years. It just was never a click of friendship there. (I don't click with many woman so no surprise there). Now I share this, but tell you I truly don't believe her intention was bad. However, the first thing she talked about was seeing us on the news and in the paper. And how she showed everyone she knew. And how glad she is everything turned out okay for us. And how cool it was it was in the paper. And on TV. And did she mention she told everyone about it. And maybe we could get together. Maybe for dinner at her house. And when I said we weren't venturing out yet to friends houses, she assured me it be fine. And maybe friday would work. Her neighbors were already coming over, and they'd be so excited to meet the kids. And I politely declined. Well, maybe a coffee date. About 10am at Starbucks. Yeah, no that won't work either. Well, she usually meets her friends at Starbucks so no one feels like they have to clean their house, and it's no pressure, but she guessed she could come over to our home. Yeah, no. And with that I excused myself and made a bee line for the door.

There have been a few other smaller incidents. But those two continue to annoy me. Now, I have had offers to get together from dear friends with the best of intentions. I look forward to the day my life comes to a point I can follow up on them. The people I meet that tell me they were praying for us and amazed at what God has done, I'm reminded of how great our God is.

While we asked for the media attention, and without it, I believe our kids would be still in Haiti, it is a double edged sword. My vent was about the other edge of that sword. The side that says your important because you got air time. And about peoples misguided understanding of race relations and adoption. Not that I get a A in that class. But I do know that you should or should not be friends with someone based simply on the color of their skin.

Again, to be taken with a grain of salt. This process, and people's reaction to it are not perfect. And I don't expect it to be. However, good sense seems like a reasonable expectation. So again, my friends, I love you, I treasure you, and one day I'll have time to have coffee and playdates again. And when I do, I will call you peeps first. I have a list I'm trying to work my way through. One playdate a week. And those families who we naturally connect with, we will enjoy dinner with. But it's won't be because we feel pressured to be every one's friend, when just keeping clean dishes and laundry done is a monumental task.

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