Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Readers Digest Version of Christmas

Christmas Eve- Spent at the in-laws with one side of the family. Drank Pinot Grigio - Duck Pond to be exact. Watched Grandma look like she had been taken captive, and Grandpa try to figure out how to troll the house in his wheelchair. Then off to Christmas Eve service. Which our exchange student thought was kinda off - going to church in the middle of the night?? Then home and to bed.
Christmas Day - Wake up, do stockings and presents (R made me a beautiful necklace) and eat Rhodes Cinnamon Rolls and pomegranate for breakfast. Off to in-laws for Christmas with R's family. Then more family came, more food and more presents. Then I was blessed to spend a few hours at the local woman's shelter. Then home to crash.
Day after Christmas - out of town by 9:00am to head to my hometown. Made it 8 miles before exchange students begins throwing up. Too much Christmas food, Christmas candy and Christmas desserts. Long trip made even longer. Arrive at my dad's about 3:00pm. Christmas again.
**Get Ready- the best part is coming up**
I received a beautiful scrapbook made by my dear sister in law. My dad found a roll of undeveloped film, had it developed and it was of me as a newborn. Pictures of me and my grandmother - the only one I have of just her and I. Pictures of my mom, looking just like my sister. Pictures of me and my dad. It truly was an amazing gift. On many levels. Just to have new pictures of me with my mom, who is now in heaven, was a beautiful gift. Pictures of me with both grandmas, amazing. That my sister-in-law created a beautiful book of it, really lovely. I don't know that I would have ever been able to.
We spent the next week hanging out, have pictures of the kids taken, shopping, helping my sister paint her living room, and playing in the snow. Then a long day home - snowy, icy roads and tired kids.
I just started to get Christmas stuff put away. And I'm sad. Because it seemed like the holiday ran away from me. And that I hardly noticed it was here, and then it was gone. And while I felt it was more simple and reflective than other years, I have a strong desire to do it again, only with less doing and more being. Being present. Simply being present in the moment - enjoying the gift of relationship with a God who loves me. Not so much baking, gift opening, and running around to get the list completed. Just being present.

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