Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Today we learned

Er needs a humidifier at night to keep her from coughing all night. Hopefully this a short term issue. Re loves the Wii. More than any other activity. Buying his own Wii game was the highlight of the day. Probably week.
I really need to really go grocery shopping. I haven't been since right after the earthquake. A month ago. Sure, I've run into the store and bought bread and banana's. And I'd stocked up. And we've had people bringing us food for 2 weeks. Wait...maybe I don't need to go after all.
The task that were a normal part of life, and caused no cause for concern - now feel overwhelming and I dread figuring it out. What used to be easy, no longer is. A menu that was easy to plan, knowing what everyone would like and dislike, what quantities we would need, and how much it would all cost is now replaced with questions. Will everyone like that chili? How much will I need to make to have leftovers? How much to budget to spend? What kind of yogurt will Re and Er eat? If we went through 2 bunches of banana's before, do we now need 4? Can we eat that many before they go bad? That is the thought process. And I haven't even started a list.
And that is only one aspect of life. There is also dentist appointments. How can we schedule them both, if one of them has to wait in the waiting room? How do you stay with one and go back with another? And then there is school concerts...will they sit through either P or CN's school performances? If not, do we hire a babysitter, or one of us stay home? Weddings, play dates, and so on, and so on. And there is no way to predict their ability to cope in those situations. It's a very unsettling place to be. One that requires complete surrender and trust. To who God is. Who he created us to be. To his process. To his divine nature. What he has began in us, he will complete.


the Skips said...

1. 4 kids means that "leftover" days are over.

2. never hire a sitter....bring them to MY house. serious.

3. we got to get together and have our kids get to know each other.

Unknown said...

Thanks for taking the time to keep us updated on the family. Praying for normalcy to settle in soon for all of you. Hope you are surviving now that Russ is back at work. Get some rest (if that is possible).
