Friday, February 12, 2010

I love...

In celebration of Valentines day.
I love...
freshly ground coffee, french pressed and served with sweetened condensed milk
fresh sheets on my bed when I crawl into it at night
the feeling of drifting off to sleep as R reads next me
chocolate - dark and rich
hiking alone
hot springs, even the clothing optional ones
Ce hugs
beautiful photography
the smell of lavender and jasmine
Bentley's four cheese pizza
Er's laugh
the picture of my Nana I took in highschool
the feeling of bread under my hands being kneaded
the sound of frogs
my Dansko's
P's running tackles that we call hugs
reading a really good book
David Crowder Band (I'm really not a stalker, even if their poster is in my kitchen)
watching R hug our children
Re's broken english
antique medical books
a morning with a good friend
warm towels
wood heat

God has provided me with much to love. Created by a God of love, created in his image. I guess he knew we would need to love much in our lives to be complete.

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