Monday, November 23, 2009


I'm thankful for:
-A God that is loving, gracious, and above all else finds me worthy.
-A husband who mirrors what love can look like to me.
-A daughter who is beautiful in spirit and heart.
-A daughter that is spunky and fun.
-A son whose smile can light up a room.
-A daughter whose laugh will bring you to your knees.
-A home that has a floor, a roof, heat, running water and electricity.
-A country that allows for freedoms that many people find unimaginable.
-A bunch of friends who love me for me- wine drinking, clove smoking, occasionally cussing, and been known to be a bit loud ME.
-A body that allows me to enjoy all of this. That my health problems allow me to see the blessing good health is, and don't create bitterness and frustration.
-A God-family that see's past the box that church can be, and is truly a family of imperfect people loving each other.
-A church that wants so much more than to be a social hour on Sunday mornings. That wants to love Jesus and love people - every day.

Yes, I am quite blessed. Even if only the first line were true, I'd be blessed beyond measure. And yet, God isn't satisfied with us just having his love. He desires abundant life for us.

1 comment:

the Skips said...

love your post and i love YOU girl!