Monday, November 2, 2009


C as a sweet young girl from the 1950's. The dress was bought Halloween day at 3:30 at Goodwill. She was due to be at The Carnival to help at 4:30. Somehow it all came together-except getting a picture in focus. Probably because I took all of 10 seconds to get four shots before I yelled at her to get in the car. We were 25 minutes late already.

It made me wonder - did kids in the 1950's talk to their parents the ways kids do now? Has memory faded? Has culture changed? Has parenting changed? And how do we go back?

P as a spy for Halloween. Yes, a spy. As in a FBI secret agent. Everyone kept guessing she was a thief. Or a bugler. And this is the look she gave them. Like they don't her. A spy is cool. A burglar is not. DUH! This is also the look you might receive if you asked her how school was, if she has any homework, would like to help by putting her laundry away, or if she like broccoli with dinner.
Update on Re and Er coming soon. We should be entering Courts soon. And hopefully that step goes well, and they should legally be part of the Olson Family. They will be called by our name. There is something about it becoming legal that is a big deal. Beyond the piece of paper. I'm not sure what it is, more reflection needed. Always more reflection is needed. And prayer.

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