Thursday, July 16, 2009

We are getting a portrait of Re and Er painted. By a Haitian artist. It's part of a fundraiser for GLA. They sent 4 possible pictures to have the artist paint from. Help... How am I suppose to choose.

1. Look how cute Er is snuggled up against her big brother. Re looks handsome, and this one is really cute.

2.But then there is this one. They both are so animated. Alive. Happy.

3. But this one. It feels like Re is looking right at me, and I can see his heart. Er, on the other hand looks like she has a limp noodle for a right hand.

4.And this one is just freakin sweet. They are truly beautiful children.
So which one would you choose? Am I being too picky about it. I mean, it's only a painting we plan on keeping forever. A piece of their birth country.

Here is the picture we are having painted on C and P. I love this photo, it was taken on our beach vacation during Spring Break. They actually look like they like each other. And us, the parents. I have it in my bedroom, and so I'm reminded of how precious they really are. Because some days it's easy to forget that in the loads of laundry, breaking up fights, and trying to get them to put their shoes away.

So help a poor gal out. Which one is the one to have made into a painting? Which one goes best with C and P's picture? Does it really matter?


the Skips said...

oh Anita. how can you chose? sooooooooo hard. i think #4 is my choice BUT #1 may go better with your girls picture?????? good luck. all of them would be perfect. you can't make a wrong choice with this.

Senora Haglund said...

I like the last one!
And, are you on facebook. I think there are some pics of Remy there..i found them through R.Hub in an album labeled "life in haiti" through a girl named Jaime.
Yes, adoptive parent detective!

Anita Olson said...

Yep, I'm on facebook. RussAnitaOlson.

the andersens said...

Hey Anita!! After weeks of being behind on reading, I'm just reading your posts....and I have to say I think #4 is the best! They are all SOOOOO adorable, but the last one just looks perfect in every single way. What a great idea you're doing with these! Can't wait to see them!