Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Hole in our Gospel, Chapter 1

Baada Bing, Baada Boom...this book starts off with the gloves off.
Summary - God didn't send Christ to die for our sins, so we can have and offer a get out of hell card. His intention was much, much more. It was that there be a new world order, where the blessed would be the poor in spirit, those who mourn, the hungry and brokenhearted. That those in the kingdom of God, would create a revolution, that turned the world upside down. But that we have taken that gospel, and reduced it down.
"I believe we have reduced the gospel from a dynamic and beautiful symphony of God's love for and in the world to a bare and strident monotone...In doing so, we have also stripped it of much of it's power to change not only the human heart but the world." I've lived this watered down gospel. The problem - it doesn't set well in your soul as you get to know God. You can't come closer to God, and still believe all he cares about is the amount of commitment cards turned in after a revival. "Didn't Jesus always care about the whole person-one's health, family, work, values, relationships, behavior toward others-and his or her soul?"

Richard goes on share about a friend who cut all the verses out of bible that pertained to poverty, wealth, justice, and oppression. It was shambles when done. This is the bible I've been taught. Many of the passages, I've never heard before. I grew up in church. Bible loving churches. I attended AWANA's. I went to Sunday School. I've taken bible study classes. And for the most part they have skimmed over the call to care for those who are broken by poverty, illness, disease, and oppressed. And I can't remember a sermon in the last 5 years at church that taught on any such topic.

But ultimately it isn't the church's responsibility for me to hear God's call. Although the church must be accountable for what it teaches, to a degree. There is tension there that is explored later. But the bottom line is now I know. I've seen the whole gospel. I know that God's heart is more than just a raised hand or an alter call. It's a life changed, from the power of his promises. And from that a desire to love the people he loves. And a love that expresses itself in action.

The burning, million dollar question...now that I know, what do I do? What is the action? How am I love the poor? How am I serve? Because I'd like to make this about the church and how it's failed. It's a lot more comfortable than facing my own apathy. Facing that I've read a bible that is full of holes. Perfectly content to focus on the passages that are comforting and pleasant. He is my rock...oh yeah. I'm a new creation...ummm...love that. Streets of gold, no more pain and suffering...bring it on. Feed the starving...okay, wrote a check to Compassion this month. Clothe the poor...does donating to Goodwill count? Love the lepers...good thing leprosy can be treated now. Give all I have away, because it's easier for a camel to fit a needle than a rich man to get to heaven. Getting really uncomfortable. Because I'm pretty sure, that is me. And it's most of the people sitting next to me on Sunday morning.

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