Friday, January 22, 2010

because I have to get this off my chest

Okay, I really should be in bed - however I keep thinking something and can't seem to let it go. I've been asked numberous times my opinion on the subject. It's the statement made by Pat Robinson found here.
Let me just say he sounds like the crazy uncle at Christmas no one wants to sit by. And yet, he is representing God to our nation. Jesus, save us from your followers. (google that and check out a great movie by that name). Anyways, back to the statement. I think he has compassion for the Haitians - I think he may even have a point. Somewhere in the mombo-jumbo. However, he just sounds like the pompous, know everything, uncle who has to be right. And while his target audience is conservation christians, what did his statement accomplish?? Did the Haitians realize the error of the past leaders ways and sign a pledge to God. Not yet. Did the Christians watching have reliable and accurate information to make decisions based off of. No. Did he think that maybe it would give a bad reflection to who God is... clearly he did not think that far. Because outside the church that statement sounds alot like, " got what you deserved. God is finally getting you good." Those same people who are moved to tears, moved to give, are moved away from God by ONE mans ramblings. Agian, someone take that man's mic away from him. They can't comprehend why we would love and worship a God like that. I don't blame them.
I understand that God's wrath is true. I get that there are consequences too one's behavior, even spritually. But maybe let the dead bodies be cleared before we start declaring they had it coming. I've talked to lots of people about this. Christians and non-believers. Both seem to be equally disgusted. So why is his show still on?? Who watches it??
He clearly doesn't understand the different dynamics within the Dominican Republic and Haiti. The poverty stems from many reasons. Poor farming practices, Corrupt government for generations, lack of education, etc, etc, etc... The comparison of why can't Mexico get it together and end poverty there - the US did it, so come on now. Oh yeah, except they've had different leaders, different government, and different resources.
So I wish I knew who keeps inviting crazy Uncle Pat to the party - I'd ask them to stop. It's making it hard for the new family members and those who are checking it out from afar. And I'm tired of explaining away his bad behavior.

1 comment:

Jill Wilkins said...

I like the crazy uncle analogy. :-)

Yay - we met Anita! What a day to share forever...